In Search of Dowland


In Search of Dowland

Carl Rütti (* 1949): Dowland-Suite (2012)
John Dowland (1563 - 1626): Consortmusik aus Lachrimae or Seaven Teares (1604)

I Introduction *- Carl Rütti
*Captaine Digorie Piper his Galiard
- John Dowland

M. Henry Noel his Galiard - John Dowland
Mr. John Lengton's Pavan - John Dowland
M. Buctons Galiard - John Dowland
M. George Whitehead his Almand - John Dowland

*II Chanson avec deux oiseaux *- Carl Rütti

Lachrimae Coactae - John Dowland
M. Nicholas Gryffith his Galiard - John Dowland

Mistresse Nichols Almand *- John Dowland
*Semper Dowland semper dolens
- John Dowland

III Fantasia - Carl Rütti

IV With the King of Denmark - Carl Rütti

The Earle of Essex Galiard - John Dowland
V Sir John’s Jig - Carl Rütti

Blockflötenconsort B-Five:
Markus Bartholomé – Katelijne Lanneau – Thomas List – Mina Voet – Silja-Maaria Schütt



MEMO 15. Zyklus
